Our Boy
Gunnerson Labradors male......................Gunnerson Jive Mambo "Jett" Our girls are also mated to Marj Deignan's dogs from Rikim Kennels (see link)
Jett continues to win fans wherever he goes and is continuously admired not only for his good looks but his amazing temperament and gentle manner. In March 2008 Jett accompanied me to school in order to spend the day in the classroom. As his encounters with small children have been few and far between, and he was only 18 months old, I watched carefully to make sure he wasn't overwhelmed by so many admirers. Not a chance! To see Jett with the children one would think he had hours of training to remain calm and accepting of their constant pats and cuddles. As the photo shows Jett takes it all in his stride (?) and was Assistant Librarian attending school 2 days a week. He also took on extra tasks such as yard duty, bus duty and of course cheering up sad souls.
Mansfield Courier 24th June 2008
June 26th 2008 ------ OK........ so Jett has just come to terms with being a small celebrity in his local community when he found out that today was "Pajama Day" at Mansfield Primary School. Not being one to miss out on the fun, he too wore his P.J's to school and proudly paraded with all the children ( what a poser!)
August 21st 2008 -------- Not another dress up day! This is what you get when you're assistant librarian and the event is "Book Week." So here I am (photo below) as Hairy Maclary from Donaldsons Dairy. For those of you without children, Hairy Maclary is a cheeky little dog who gets into alot of mischief with his mates. If you think I look funny (and a bit serious as I had to help judge the childrens costumes) you should have seen Julia as Bottomly Potts all covered in spots! (I will try to sneak a photo)
March 2009: The following is a conversation I had with a 6 year old boy at school this week. Jett had been in his classroom for the day. KAI : "I bet Jett's glad he's black!" ME : "Why is that?" KAI : "So he can see himself!" ME (a little puzzled) : "What do you mean Kai?" KAI : "Well, dogs can only see black and white you know!" I now feel sorry for all the chocolate labradors, red kelpies and blue heelers who have no idea what they look like..............!
3rd August 2009......................JETT turns 3 ***** HAPPY BIRTHDAY JETT Jett shared his birthday with 5/6 K at Mansfield Primary. They sang 'Happy Birthday' blew
27 August 2009.................................Book Week again !!! This years theme was book 'safari' and Jett shared the day in a prep classroom.
1 September 2009........................Pajama Day For a boy who doesn't even wear pajamas to bed, Jett has come up trumps again with a whole new look this year. Jett has lots of admirers at school but one of his greatest fans is Chloe who tells everyone that Jett is 'my dog.'
3rd August 2010...............Jett turns 4!
3rd August 2011...........Ho hum.....another birthday! 5 years old !! Although Jett doesn't look enthralled by the cake ..... which was shared by 5/6M and not even a crumb for the birthday boy :(
CONTACT DETAILS: Julia Newton Mansfield, Vic, Australia Phone: 0425 725 912 Email: [email protected] |